Cutting-Edge Technologies of IMT
Intelligent Medical Technologies Pty Limited (IMT) Brings: Groundbreaking Research & Development of the Future-Today!
Intelligent Medical Technologies Pty Limited (IMT) is formerly owned by AVMD Global men’s health institute. Read More... IMT’s comprehensive right includes explicit manufacturing, marketing and selling right as well as distribution of products based on the technology and patents within the field of use. The main objective of acquiring this right by IMT – was the development of Membrane and Shield Ultrasonic Nebulizer Technology. MSUNT administers medication directly into patient’s lungs to facilitate faster absorption which in turn accelerates distribution and metabolic process – meaning, medication takes effect 3-4 times faster than any other delivery method. The delivery system of MSUNT vastly exceeds all other alternative treatment options in efficiency and clinical effectiveness. MSUNT reduces dosage levels by 6-8 times, decreases the likelihood of side effects and increases efficiency rate by up to 70%. In July 2005 and 2006 IMT has developed 15 working prototypes (alpha, beta and final prototypes) of Membrane and Shield Ultrasonic Nebulizer Technology and applied for worldwide patents and designs. IMT has successfully completed a pharmaceutical clinical trial of a renown medication used to treat erectile dysfunction, delivered through the MSUNT in order to formally prove the effectiveness and efficiency of the device at a conceptual level. The trial was conducted under the supervision, guidance and analysis of Q-Pharm – the commercial arm of a leading Australian university. IMT has compiled a team of experts to assist with the research and developmental activities. IMT owns the exclusive rights to all innovations derived from the research and development of the MSUNT. MSUNT has been tested by independent engineering consultants in order to determine the efficiency of the flow rate. They have concluded that the flow rate of the MSUNT is over 1ml/minute, which exceeds the published flow rates of similar leading devices by 300% – 500%.

Following years of development, we have finally perfected the revolutionary MSUMT device.
The delivery method used in our MSUNT device, administers medications directly into patient’s lungs for faster absorption. This delivery system is by far more efficient and clinically effective than any other alternative treatment option. It also reduces dosage levels and the likelihood of the development of side effects.
Following years of development, we have finally perfected the revolutionary MSUMT device.
The delivery method used in our MSUNT device, administers medications directly into patient’s lungs for faster absorption. This delivery system is by far more efficient and clinically effective than any other alternative treatment option. It also reduces dosage levels and the likelihood of the development of side effects.
IMT Mechanical autoENjet
Revolutionary alternative approach to intro-muscular and sub-cutaneous injections. Developed to simplify and accelerate the process of self-administration of medication, allows for fast and slow delivery of medication directly into the muscle or under the skin, and alleviate stress and anxiety cased by fear of needles and injections.

IMT Mechanical autoENjet
Revolutionary alternative approach to intro-muscular and sub-cutaneous injections. Developed to simplify and accelerate the process of self-administration of medication, allows for fast and slow delivery of medication directly into the muscle or under the skin, and alleviate stress and anxiety cased by fear of needles and injections.
3-in-one ECG – Phonendoscope – OxyMeter is a multi-functional visual stethoscope, which allows for higher efficiency in emergency situations when time required for the assessment and treatment is crucial for patient’s life. The pioneering technology of EPO significantly reduces time spent on evaluating vital signs. It allows to assess electrical activity of the heart (ECG), heart rate (stethoscope) and oxygen saturation (oximeter) simultaneously.

3-in-one ECG – Phonendoscope – OxyMeter is a multi-functional visual stethoscope, which allows for higher efficiency in emergency situations when time required for the assessment and treatment is crucial for patient’s life. The pioneering technology of EPO significantly reduces time spent on evaluating vital signs. It allows to assess electrical activity of the heart (ECG), heart rate (stethoscope) and oxygen saturation (oximeter) simultaneously.
Company profile:
Founder and sole Director of IMT, Mr. Eduard Stolyarsky, dedicated the last 20 years of his life to developing cutting-edge medical technology products, focusing on revolutionizing medication delivery methods, which could be applied in various settings. Eduard’s technology is capable of aiding in the battle against COVID-19.
Recently IMT has applied for world patents of 2 new medical devices – breakthrough technology in delivery of medication. One of this inventions is “autoENjet” TM. (mechanical auto injector).
This product will be availed for public use in the next 6 months, following approvals from TGA and FDA.
The other invention – is a portable Phonendoscope – ECG – Oximeter 3 in 1 instrument for medical practitioners.
Latest patent the company has applied for – is the use of Membrane and Shield Ultrasonic Nebulizer Technology for vaccinations.
Mr. Stolyarsky has dedicated his life to pursuing his dream of helping people around the world by developing medical devices which will be more accessible, efficient and simple in use.
The slogan of Eduard’s company is: “WE CARE FOR HUMAN RACE, AND WE MEAN IT!”

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